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Conflict Resolution

The Second Vatican Council led to significant changes and consequently many disputes and conflicts in the Catholic Church. One such dispute has to do with the loss of retirement benefits by priests who decide for reasons of conscience to resign their public ministry to pursue other honorable interests including, for most, marriage.

In 1999 The Emmaus Institute, Inc. took up this cause of the loss of earned retirement benefits in cooperation with CORPUS, A National Association for Inclusive Priesthood, by agreeing to conduct the CORPUS Resigned Priests’ Pensions Advocacy Campaign. It is estimated that currently at least 6,000 resigned priests are eligible on the basis of their years of service for retirement benefits from their former church employers. This has led to a national dispute resolution program involving some 70% of the Church’s dioceses in the United States, collaboration with the Association for a Decent Pension in France, and outreach to the resigned priest communities in the Philippines, Australia and Canada.

Information about the Pension Advocacy Campaign may be obtained at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.